With five new SATO toilets built yesterday in MDP Gelephu for Indian truckers, Bhutanese loaders and duty officials, our Ambassador Pema Sea counted 60 Sato toilets being built in Gelephu-Sarpang. She has been a strong and effective bridge between us and her Drungkhag, communicating the needs to us and sourcing SATO pan from us. She says she was able to coordinate so well only because of the support from people around her in Gelephu. We thank young RBP officer, Lt. Sangay Dorji and his men for being the strong hands behind the so many beautiful toilets. Likewise, we are grateful to our member Dessup Tshering Wangmo, Desup coordinator Gem Tshering, Gup Kumar and Choni Dorji for supporting Pema in all her activities.
Leadership of the Taskforce in Gelephu is impressive, judging by the efficiency of their coordination. Thank you.