Day 1: Dig a pit and build a wall along the mouth of the pit.
Day 2: Cast a slab over the pit and install SATO pans.
Day 3: Build the skeletal frame of the toilet and put the roof over the toilet.
Day 4: Installed panels; board on along the top and cement along the bottom. Polish the woodworks and give finishing touch on the flooring.
Day 5: Plumbing works and Drainage and landscaping. It was a dream team we had in Haa these 5 days.
The Support staff of Haa Dzongkhag administration captained by Ata Kanjur and chaired by Dzongrub Phurba Wangdue built this magnificent toilet complex in the archery ground in 5 days. It could have easily taken a month for any contractor. We are looking forward to working with the same team again.