Chabto, the portable toilet that’s designed for people who can’t go to toilet was first conceived and modelled for detention centres and jail vans after Maj Karma Dema of RBP visited us and gave us an overview of the critical need.
We are grateful to Rotary Club of Thimphu for supporting the project and funding 38 units of Chabto for every detention centre in the country. (Story on Yeshey Dorji’s Blog:
The president of the club, Mr. Tsewang Rinzing handed over the Chabtos to the Chief of Police on 21st May. We hope this will go a long way in addressing the lack of toilet in detention centres and easing the pressure on the security logistics.
Chabto, which is also promoted as toilet for the bedridden patients and aged people is manufactured in Pasakha by TPZ (Kipchu Norzang). Chabto2.0 will designed specifically for old and sick.