Every day there is a new requirement for toilet facilities at the duty stations. On average, it is five toilets per day in Thimphu alone since the lockdown came into effect.
We wonder what we would have done with the massive demand if we hadn’t accessed these ready-made emergency toilets from World Health Organization Bhutan.
We are deeply grateful to #WHOBhutan for equipping the county with an arsenal of emergency toilets and for allowing us to distribute them in such a time, even before they are formally handed over. Thank you, GNHC, for facilitating it. Look at how much difference it has made!
We owe it to the team of #Desups, who are in charge of pitching tents and installing toilets, making our lives much easier in the field. Without you guys, we can’t imagine reaching everywhere to install over 90 toilets after spending hours assembling them. Thank you.
We hope to continue our partnership beyond lockdown and pandemics.
De-suung – Guardians of PeaceGross National Happiness Commission